09 Dec 2013
Since early 2012, Cladera SSP has been recognised as a Center for Expertise under the State Governments 'Every Student, Every School' initiative.
Caldera staff use funding from this initiative to develop and deliver workshops to staff at other NSW Government schools in the North Coast Region.
We named our workshops after our school rules.
Be Fair, Be Safe: An approach for working with complex and challenging kid.
Since 2012 we have delivered 18 workshops to staff from over 100 different Primary and High schools and received much positive feedback.
"Thanks for giving me the opportunity and tools to re-evaluate the process I have been using to manage difficult behaviours- particularly about ‘having conversations' – having the ‘right' or appropriate questions to ask."
"Very realistic stuff, good to have presenters that are ‘living' the experience."
"Thank you for a great course, you can see your passion, knowledge and enthusiasm for your students. It was fantastic to be given resources that are successfully working." |
Project Rational
Well over 70% of students with a disability in the North Coast are placed in mainstream schools. Many of these students have challenging and complex behavioural and emotional issues. Teachers need to be skilled in providing an optimal learning environment for these students using well practised and researched methods. ‘National Partnerships' is funding this project through the ‘Every Student, Every school' initiative, which sees Special Schools as centres of expertise.
Project description
Caldera SSP staff provide this Training & Development opportunity for North Coast schools' staff in developing a philosophical framework to work with and support students that present with challenging (emotional/behaviour) issues and complex management needs.
Staff will develop:
· Greater understanding of the meaning of the students' behaviour
· A Teaching and Learning model which focuses on students' Cognitive/Thinking Skills
· Strategies to improve students' problem solving & thinking skills
· Real & meaningful student management philosophy, language, tools and advice
We aim to:
- Build capacity for sustainable expertise in New Scheme Teachers , New Learning and Support teachers, ED/BD/MC Support Classes, School Welfare and Learning Support Teams and School learning Support Officers
- Improve outcomes for students with challenging and complex emotional and behaviour needs.
- Improve school environments which deliver high quality outcomes through rigorous, meaningful and dignified learning for every student.
"Fascinating! I would so like to learn more about this area. As you guys do this on a day to day basis, what you have to say comes from experience and (is) really worth listening to. I have some great ideas to get back to school with. Many thanks." |
"The stories that went with the notes (but weren't written) were fantastic. Great to have presenters of a course where they are practicing/ living what they preach with their own students. Lots of practical ideas to use both in the classroom and with other teachers and also in the playground/ sport with kids" |
"Thought it was great- Gave me lots to think about – affirmed a lot of what I think – Gives me more confidence to deal with my changed roles."
"I loved it – Thanks so much. Can you come and talk to all our staff?" |